Mia Blue
Mia Blue
Death by Love 3
By Mia Blue
Death by Love 1
By Mia Blue
Death by Love 2
By Mia Blue
Infini 1
By Mia Blue
Infini 2
By Mia Blue
Infini 3
By Mia Blue
Infini 4
By Mia Blue
Death by Love 4
By Mia Blue
Youtube Portfolio
Artist Statement
Over the past year I have learned a lot about letting go of perfection. In a way, perfection ruins beauty. Like seeing a human face ruined with plastic surgery and fillers. Who wants to look at something that has been painfully reworked over and over and over again? For this reason, many of the works in my collection were brought upon by deeper levels of my subconscious. I didn't give myself too much time to time to plan ahead. Some of the subject matter in these works were by coincidence.
A film about bodies as art. Starting with a single organism, these bodies combine and explode into masses of shapes and forms.
Warning Colors
"In the natural world, the most beautiful, brightly colored species are often the most deadly"
Seeing themselves in the reflection of each other's eyes, they feel connected and alone at the same time.