Joshua Boger
Joshua B. Boger (b. 1993, IN) is an American artist from a rural county in northern Indiana. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking at Indiana University's Raclin School of the Arts, and is completing his Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking at Pratt Institute. His work explores the use of technology in marketing, data collection, and politics. He often includes the use of advertising, tech security, and light as object.
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Dark Web Dive
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Cambridge Analytica III
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Installation View / Activation
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Cambridge Analytica III (secondary view)
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Skyline (LED detail view)
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Artist Statement
There is a world of information that ceases to rest, never sleeping, never dimming. Algorithms that drive data collection, advertising, and social media campaigns have changed the way we see and understand the world around us. My work is a representation of the situations in which we find ourselves every day, forced to make decisions that tell these artificially intelligent beings who we are. Targeted ads, experiences in programming, and data collection drive my desire to share these visual experiences. I aim to break down these data structures and represent them as simply as possible in order to examine myself, others, and a society in constant technological evolution.