Emilia Kaplan : Fashion Designer, Influencer, Stylist
Emilia Kaplan
Hi, my name is Emilia. I'm a Polish girl living in New York.
Artist Statement
My mission in fashion design is to create garments which are versatile. My aesthetic consists of combining athleisure with elements of pure quirkiness and girliness. I try my best to create garments and style outfits which are ideal for the girl-on-the-go. Incorporating elements of sustainability and shopping second-hand is also extremely important to me. I also do a bit of Fashion Influencing on social media, and my goal with that is to inspire younger generations to not be afraid to chase after their dreams-- in style, of course!
Senior Thesis : Nos_tal_gia
Creating a feeling of freedom and escape through exploring St. Tropez and Ibiza in the 1970's. Collection includes the use of second-hand silk scarves, denim, ponte, ultra suede, and digitally printed fabrics.
Futuristic, Athletic, Feminine. Inspired by the future of pop music and space exploration.
Researching the Case Study Houses of Los Angeles, while creating a kitschy 60's fantasy. With Sharon Tate, of course.