Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
Klaude De Castro
Hello, I'm Klaude,
I'm a freelance illustrator that spends most of my time making character illustrations and Monster Girls.
I'm a digital artist, I use ClipStudio Paint.
Akstie, The Pistol Shrimp
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
Magi Character_Sheet
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
Grutta Character_Sheet
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
Poke-Monster Girls 1
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
By Klaude De Castro (Nalkaloun)
Artist Statement
My focus is on key visuals for character narratives and renders. Close-ups, dynamic compositions, and action shots are a motif alongside each piece. I enjoy the humanization of creatures, plants, and everyday objects. Turning aspects that define a creature's biology and adapting it to a human base. Having a set of mantis claws growing on your back, having your skin turn rough and similar to that of a tortoise, or just having your head split open to reveal a mouth. My work is heavily influenced by video games, Japanese media, sci-fi, and fantasy. Artists that have influenced me to be are Lack, Hungryclicker, and るみえ/Rumie. All freelance illustrators, making dynamic and illustrative illustrations.

I have always fancied characters in the midst of the action, whether that be the character in the spotlight, striking a heroic pose, or just in the heat of the moment. Character(s) clashing with an opposing foe, living their life to the fullest in a bar, or just taking in the atmosphere of their surroundings. That's the feeling I want to capture for the viewer. I want my work to be explosive, my colors to be expressive and appealing to the eye, and the composition to be dynamic and fun! These are my illustrations, and this is what I live for!