+Fineshrine+ - Maeve Alaric


close the door when i'm gone. - Taylor Bernstein

Alaric_Maeve_01_Cairn_acrylic on canvas_40 x 40 inches_Painting_2021
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Alaric_Maeve_02_Monadology_graphite, wax pencil, ballpoint pen, fabric, staples, tape on tracing paper, newsprint_11 x 10 inches_Painting_2020
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Alaric_Maeve_04_The Thirteenth Egg_beeswax, damar resin_3 x 9 x 7 inches_Painting_2021
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Alaric_Maeve_05_Scriptures_ I_graphite on tracing paper, colored pencil on paper_17 x 14 inches_Painting_2021
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Alaric_Maeve_06_Scriptures_ IV_graphite on tracing paper, colored pencil on paper_17 x 14 inches_Painting_2021
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Bernstein_Taylor_2_Charlene_oil and acrylic on canvas_40_ x 30__Painting_2020
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Bernstein_Taylor_8_Melina_oil on canvas_40_ x 30__Painting_2020
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Bernstein_Taylor_9_Carly_oil and acrylic on canvas_40_ x 30__Painting_2020
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Bernstein_Taylor_11_Sam_oil on canvas_40_ x 30__Painting_2020
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Bernstein_Taylor_12_Joni_oil and acrylic on canvas_40_ x 30__Painting_2020
By BFA PAINTING AND DRAWING THESIS SHOW: Taylor Bernstein + Maeve Alaric
Maeve Alaric - Artist Statement
It is hard to be born, to become whole. The artist tries forging symbols out of what may appear as the barest of subjects, churning seeds, eggs, anything to birth meaning from the stew of a world. In turn, she finds herself erecting graves, shaping tumuli, and marking the hearts of dead selves. The artist is wanting to show that the image is haunted, enshrined by its very own soul. In this way, every stone and small charm, these roughly precious things, comes together to collect in a center. It shapes an oval, a strange ellipse, and an ancient meaning unsheathes itself. When all forms are artifact, the poetics may unfold without end, but some mythologies are not so clear. I wonder, how far off is my aim?
Taylor Bernstein - Artist Statement
The path of self discovery is not a paved street, smooth with fresh concrete, the smell of ripe tar and yellow marks glowing against the unforgiving blackness. There is always the chance of tripping and skinning your knee, the burning sting of scraped flesh imprinted with dirt and grime. Band aids don’t adhere immediately every time.

Occasionally identity shifts at the mere notion of a breeze yet sometimes stands strong, a dam against the influence of outside forces. I have come to the temporary conclusion of it being both a kaleidoscope and a rollercoaster, simultaneously on a track and at the whim of manipulation.

Yearning to capture the slick liquid response I try not to cower at possible self recognition or, worse, identification. Inevitable change and visage everlasting which cannot be seen, but is heard clearly by all. Permanence in a fleeting expression, categorization by an audience shrouded in societal expectations, impending unwanted nomenclature and exile to a box reeking metallic in spite of an intentionally benign first impression. Vacant places can be viewed without light, but if I had never embraced your burden would I still grieve you when you’ve gone? Faint static hums in the background where there remains a figure forever overexposed.

A chemically induced seatbelt restrains me, though slack creates the sensation of falling, release, vague memories of letting go and then being scooped up by professional whomever to be suffocated by good intentions. Adjust the setting, filters on the negative space increase the contrast between body and environment. Suffocation by frustration, foggy sleep-like state of being. I wait for the drop, push down on the floor beneath my feet to ensure I won’t simply float out of my seat into the sky.

A forum of voices question, hypothesize and curse the heavens, their luck, genetics, society in its entirety. Bias is the name of the game and bureaucracy enforces it. I reach for the other side only to be pushed back, pulled by uncertainty and failed attempts. I stop looking toward the future, resigned to confinement in the chains of myself. Avoiding the mirror in my room takes practice and I cower in the corner where I’ve been instructed to stay with unsightly flesh and cold feet. Rebellion obscured for apparently authority isn’t recognized anymore. Angry animalistic assertion. Air trapped in lungs as answers unfold, truths uncovered, lies disproven, and lessons learned.

Put it in colors and give me what you can. I understand some will be lost along the way, it’s natural to hide your hand. Place it in perspective because you can’t have hot without cold, only the absence of heat. Strike down and embrace fear, accept reality alongside the lack thereof. Complacency is a dirty word.

Clear varnish coats the surface. Glossy conclusion to a journey unceasing.