Yiren Wang
As a graphic designer, I always trigger by logic-based, informative, and organized graphics. For this reason, After one year of study at the School of Design, I transferred to the School of Information and dived into the world of data visualization, embracing the aesthetic possibility of maps and charts, as well as the technique backend. This page showcased some of my selected works that I've accomplished at Pratt. Hopefully, you will find them both visually engaging and informative.
Long Beach City Flood Hazard Zone
By Yiren Wang
COVID-19 Sidefacts Dashboard
By Yiren Wang
The Coloful Lego: Animative Lego Color History
The growth of colors included in different Lego Theme Groups, learn more about this on "https://public.tableau.com/profile/yiren.wang2159#!/vizhome/LegoAnalysisPhaseii/Story1"
The Colorful NYC: Street Tree Color Changes in the NYC
This video depicts how New York changes its appearence over a year, learn more about it on "https://yiren-wang.com/2019/05/15/the-colorful-nyc-a-map-of-street-trees-blossom-and-defoliation/"
"On Typography"
This is an experimental project, based on three articles about the famous Max-Tschichold dispute, abut how typography should progress. The final outcome discussed the voice in mind when a second language speaker is reading an English article.